Our Standard Yardstick
Spiritual maturity
Every member of CSAFMI is expected to attain a quality of life whereby his highest regards for God and the Lord Jesus Christ is truly manifested and practiced in his daily living, trusting in the Word of the Lord even in times of severe trials. To him, the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ is life, thus guide his every action and decision.
Moral responsibility
Every member of CSAFMI is expected to attain a quality of life whereby his unreserved willingness to obey every command of God and to fulfill his obligations towards Him, the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mission of the Church, and to other people, both members and non-members of the Christian Community is truly observed and is practiced.
social adaptability
Every member of CSAFMI is expected to attain a quality of life whereby his possession of the needed ability to adapt and cope-up with the behavioral and cultural changes in the society and environment he lives in, through proper education, truly manifests in every prevailing situation.
financial sufficiency
Every member of CSAFMI is expected to attain a quality of life whereby his ability to help others truly manifests in his actions and his material abundance allows him to live a life that is not dependent on others.